Friends Of HOPE- Focus Group ‘A’ Visits HOPE Hospital & Kasba Protection Home For Girls

Mr and Mrs Biswajit Mitra, their daughter Ayona, Mr. Ranajit Banerjee, Mr. Bhaskar Gupta and Mr. TJ Mukherjee, members of Focus Group A, visited the HOPE Hospital and Kasba Protection Home for Girls on Sunday, December 29, 2014. Dr. Sinha Roy, also a member of this group, had sent regrets as he was travelling.

Mr. Samiran Mullick and Alokeparna Ghosh, Manager - Resource Development, received them at the Hospital. They were taken around the facility and Mr. Mullick detailed them about the Hospital and its beneficiaries. They were very impressed with the quality of care provided and the cleanliness of the premises. The best thing was the happy atmosphere – which was so rare in Hospital, observed Mr. Mitra and everybody agreed. The little patients giggled in spite of critical ailments and the staff served with a genuine smile. They complimented HOPE for such a noble endeavor and Samiran for running the hospital so efficiently.

Samiran took care to show the newly installed AC machine in HDU. Mr. and Mrs. Mitra were touched to see that their donation was acknowledged in print.

Next stop was Kasba Home for Girls. This group has pledged love and care for the girls of this Home and this was their introductory meeting with the girls. They brought little treats for the girls – oranges, bananas and cakes. The group was instantly taken with the girls. Two of the youngest girls, Sonali and Kamala took charge of the guests and showed them merrily where they play, read and sleep, with a few of the older girls accompanying. After that, there were songs and dances and recitation – all enjoyed by the group very much. A trip to the zoo was announced by the group and the children were very excited.

The girls gifted a handmade card to their new friends who promised to drop by again very soon.